What Are The Top 5 Benefits Of Honey – Prophet Muhammad PBUH

What Are The Top 5 Benefits Of Honey- 1) To get rid of kidney stones 2) To clean the liver, chest, and stomach 3) For Treatment of intestines and Wet cough 4) For the treatment of Rabies and Diarrhoea. 5) To treat the Gums. Allaah (GOD) says, “in it (honey) lies a cure for man. A drink (honey) of varying colors (sometimes dark in color, sometimes light) emerges from its belly, in which lies a cure for man (from many illnesses).

Indeed in this is an Aayah (a sign of Allaah’s great power) for those who (sincerely) ponder”. Honey is a fantastic substance that serves as a medication as well as a food and is beneficial to all people of all ages. When taken orally in the mornings, it serves as protection against many major diseases. [Ref –  Quran Surah Nahl, verse 69]

What Are The Top 5 Benefits Of Honey

What Are The Top 5 Benefits Of Honey

What Are The Top 5 Benefits Of Honey

1) Treatment for Kidney Stones

Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH) said, “The reason for pain in the side is a nerve in the kidney, which causes pain when it moves. It may be treated with warm water and honey.”  A person experiences pain in the sides when he has a stone in the kidney. In fact, such pain is most often an indication of some sort of illness. Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH) has prescribed that honey mixed in warm water be used to treat this. [Ref- Mustadrak of Haakim 8237, from Hadhrat Aa’isha rz]

2) Treatment for intestines, Wet coughs and Cleaning of Liver, Chest and Stomach

As treatment for the intestines, Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH) said that the person who takes honey for three mornings every month will not be afflicted by any diseases.  Allaama Ibn Qayyim rh writes that honey cleanses out all toxins that may have collected in the intestines and stomach. It also cleanses the liver and chest and is effective in treating wet coughs.  [Ref- Ibn Maajah], Tibbun Nabawi]

3) Treatment for Rabies

Honey mixed in water is also effective in treating people who have been bitten by rabid dogs.

4) Treating the Gums with Honey

Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH) said, “Treat yourselves with honey in which there is cure and with the Qur’aan.” Allaama Ibn Qayyim rh writes that honey is food when required, it is medicine when required and a drink when required. It strengthens the gums and make the teeth shiny and white if rubbed on them. [Ref- Ibn Maajah, Tibbun Nabawi]

5) Protection from serious diseases

Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH) said that when a person licks on honey for three mornings a month, no serious disease can afflict him. [Ref – Ibn Maajah 3450, from Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah rz]

Cure from all diseases

Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH) said, “Buying honey with Halaal wealth and then mixing it with rain water is a cure for all diseases.” [Ref- Kanzul Ummaal 28172, from Hadhrat Anas rz]

6) Honey as treatment for stomach ailments (Diarrhoea)

A man once came to Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH) saying, “My brother is suffering from diarrhoea.” “Give him honey to drink,” Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH) said. The man went, gave honey to his brother and then returned saying, “O Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ! I gave him honey but it only made his diarrhoea worse.” “Go and give him honey to drink,” Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH) repeated.

The man went, again gave his brother honey and then returned yet again saying, “His diarrhoea is no even worse.” Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH) said, “Allaah (God) speaks the truth and it is your brother’s belly that is lying. Go and give him honey.”

This time when the man gave honey to his brother, he was completely cured. [Ref- Bukhaari 5684, from Hadhrat Abu Sa’eed Khudri rz]

Seeking cure through honey and the Qur’aan – Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH) said said, “Adhere to two things when seeking cure; honey and the Qur’aan.” [Ref- Ibn Maajah 3452, from Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas’ood rz]

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CONCLUSION (What Are The Top 5 Benefits Of Honey)

When a person licks on honey for three mornings a month, no serious disease can afflict him. The Top 5 Benefits Of Honey are 1) To get rid of kidney stones 2) To clean the liver, chest, and stomach 3) For Treatment of intestines and Wet cough 4) For the treatment of Rabies and Diarrhoea. 5) To treat the Gums.

FAQ (What Are The Top 5 Benefits Of Honey)

ANS :- According to studies, honey may have antidepressant, anticonvulsant, and anti-anxiety properties. Honey has been proven in several trials to aid in the prevention of memory impairments. wound care Medical-grade honey applied topically has been demonstrated to accelerate wound healing, especially in burns.

ANS :- Honey has been demonstrated to reduce triglyceride levels by 11%, LDL (bad) cholesterol levels by 6%, and perhaps raise HDL (good) cholesterol levels.

ANS :- It contains a lot of antioxidants, including flavonoids and phenolic acids, which may promote improved health. Honey’s antioxidants may help lower cholesterol levels, which may reduce the risk of heart disease, according to small human research, but larger, longer studies are required to validate those results.

4) What Are The Top 5 Benefits Of Honey ?

Ans:- 1) To get rid of kidney stones 2) To clean the liver, chest, and stomach 3) For Treatment of intestines and Wet cough 4) For the treatment of Rabies and Diarrhoea. 5) For treatment of the Gums.

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Health Benefits Of Honey- Treatment for kidney stones, Rabies, Gums, Diarrhoea Health Benefits Of Fruits by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)