How To Heal Wounds Faster Using Palm Ashes and Henna

In this article, I will give you all the information about How To Heal Wounds Faster Using Palm Ashes and Henna. When the ashes of palm fronds are sprinkled over the open wound, the bleeding stops very soon.

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How To Heal Wounds Faster Using Palm Ashes and Henna

How To Heal Wounds Faster Using Palm Ashes and Henna

Heal Wounds Faster Using Palm Ashes

When Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ) face was injured during the Battle of Uhud, his daughter Hadhrat Faatima (RZ) wiped off the blood while Hadhrat Ali (RZ) poured water over it. However, when Hadhrat Faatima (RZ) saw that the blood was flowing even more, she burnt a portion of a mat (made of palm fronds) and then applied the ashes to the wound. The bleeding then stopped.

[Ref. Bukhaari 2903, from Hadhrat Sahl rz ]

Heal Wounds Faster Using Henna

When Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ) got cut or pricked by a thorn, he used to dress the wound with henna.


When the ashes of palm fronds are sprinkled over the open wound, the bleeding stops very soon.


1)  What is henna?

Ans :- Henna is a dye prepared from the plant Lawsonia inermis, also known as the henna tree, the mignonette tree, and the Egyptian privet, the sole species of the genus Lawsonia.

2) How do you speed up wound healing?

Ans :- The ashes of palm fronds are sprinkled over the open wound, the bleeding stops very soon, and then dress the wound with henna.

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