How did the Prophet (PBUH) treat fever and body pain

In this article, I will give you all the information about, How did the Prophet (PBUH) treat fever and body pain. For Treating the fever and heart with barley, Whenever someone in the household of Prophet MUHAMMAD (PBUH) suffered from fever, Prophet MUHAMMAD (PBUH) would tell them to eat barley Hareera, saying, “It strengthens the heart of the grieving person and washed the heart of a sick person just as any of you washes his face with water.” [Ibn Maajah]
Barley strengthens both the heart and the body. The barley Hareerah is made from roasted barley flour mixed with butter and sugar.

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How did the Prophet (PBUH) treat fever and body pain

How did the Prophet (PBUH) treat fever and body pain

How did the Prophet (PBUH) treat fever and body pain

The benefits of barley

Prophet MUHAMMAD (PBUH) was once with Hadhrat Ali (rz) ( Prophet Muhammad’s cousin and son-in-law ) at Hadhrat Ummu Mundhir‘s (rz)  [Colleague of Prophet MUHAMMAD (PBUH)] house when they were served some dates. When he had some, Prophet MUHAMMAD (PBUH) said to Hadhrat Ali (rz), “Enough now Ali! You are still weak (recovering from your illness).” When Hadhrat Ummu Mundhir then served them a dish with beetroot with barley, Prophet MUHAMMAD (PBUH) said to Hadhrat Ali τ, “O Ali! Eat this because it is good for you.”
[Abu Dawood 3856]
This dish consisting of beetroot with barley is extremely beneficial for people who are recovering from their illnesses and need to gain strength.

Treating fever with cool water –How did the Prophet (PBUH) treat fever

Prophet MUHAMMAD (PBUH) advised that when a person is suffering from fever, cool water should be placed over the body for three nights.
[Mustadrak of Haakim]
Even doctors today advise the use of a cloth dipped in cold water and placed over the forehead.

Dua for fever

Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas (RZ) reports that Prophet MUHAMMAD (PBUH) taught the Sahabah (rz)  to recite the following du’aa when suffering from fever

Dua – Bismillahil Kabeeri a’oodhubillahil a’Zeemi min sharri kulli i’rqin na’-a’arin wa min sharri h’arrin naar

TRANSLATION: I begin in the name of Allaah The Great. I seek the protection of the Glorious Allaah from the evil of every boiling vein and from the evil of the heat of the fire.

How did the Prophet (PBUH) treat body pain

To Treat the Body Pain Place hand over the painful portion and then recite (Bismillah)three times, followed by seven times

( ‘A’udhu bi’izzatillahi wa qudratihi min sharri ma ajidu wa ‘uhadhiru )

In Sha Allah you will get quick relief from body pain. One colleague( Sahabi rz ) of Prophet MUHAMMAD (PBUH) Hadhrat Osmaan bin Abul Aas (rz) once came to Prophet MUHAMMAD (PBUH) and complained of body pain he was suffering. Prophet MUHAMMAD (PBUH) told him to place his hand over the painful portion and to then recite (Bismillah) three times, followed by seven times ( ‘A’udhu bi’izzatillahi wa qudratihi min sharri ma ajidu wa ‘uhadhiru ) ( Meaninig – I seek protection with Allaah and his power from the evil of what I am experiencing and what I fear). The Sahabi (rz)  was cured after reciting this and then taught the prescription to his family. [Ref-Muslim 5737, from Hadhrat Uthmaan bin Abul Aas rz]


1)  How can I reduce body pain?

Ans:- Place hand over the painful portion and then recite (Bismillah)three times, followed by seven times ( ‘A’udhu bi’izzatillahi wa qudratihi min sharri ma ajidu wa ‘uhadhiru ), In Sha Allah you will get quick relief from body pain.

2) What is the best medicine body pain?

Ans :- Place hand over the painful portion and then recite (Bismillah)three times, followed by seven times ( ‘A’udhu bi’izzatillahi wa qudratihi min sharri ma ajidu wa ‘uhadhiru ), In Sha Allah you will get quick relief from body pain.

3) what is a pain body ?

Ans :- Pain is an unpleasant sensation in the body that is triggered by the nervous system. The onset of body pain can occur suddenly or slowly, depending on many factors, (e.g. environmental, biological, emotional, cognitive, etc.) Each individual is the best judge of the severity and frequency of his or her body pain.

4) what is the pain body ?

Ans :- Pain is an unpleasant sensation in the body that is triggered by the nervous system. The onset of body pain can occur suddenly or slowly, depending on many factors, (e.g. environmental, biological, emotional, cognitive, etc.) Each individual is the best judge of the severity and frequency of his or her body pain.

5) what medicine to take for fever and body pain ?

Ans:- Place hand over the painful portion and then recite (Bismillah)three times, followed by seven times ( ‘A’udhu bi’izzatillahi wa qudratihi min sharri ma ajidu wa ‘uhadhiru ), In Sha Allah you will get quick relief from body pain.

6) which medicine is best for fever and body pain ?

Ans:- Place hand over the painful portion and then recite (Bismillah)three times, followed by seven times ( ‘A’udhu bi’izzatillahi wa qudratihi min sharri ma ajidu wa ‘uhadhiru ), In Sha Allah you will get quick relief from body pain.




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