Health Tips By Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Health Tips By Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)


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1) Fundamental Principle For Good Health

One of the main principles of good health is a balanced diet. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasised the habit of eating less as a method of preventing sickness and disease. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “Nothing is worse than a person who fills his stomach. It should be enough for the son of Adam to have a few bites to satisfy his hunger. If he wishes more, it should be: One-third for his food, one-third for his liquids and one-third for his breath.”

2) The secret of good health

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “The stomach is the pond of the body and all the blood vessels are fuelled by the stomach. Therefore, when the stomach is healthy, the blood vessels transport this good health throughout the body and when the stomach is unhealthy, the blood vessels transport this ill health throughout the body.”
[Ref-Tabraani in his Awsat 4494, from Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah rz]

3) Guarding one’s health

Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas (rz) reports that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) never blew into his food and drinks and never breathed into his dishes.
[Ref- Ibn Maajah 3288]
Doctors say that when a person blows into his food or breathes into it, the breath contains thousands of germs, which then get into the food. This then leads to harm for the person.

4) Avoid direct sunlight ( Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) )

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) advised people to avoid sitting in direct sunlight because it spoils the clothing, causes a person to smell with perspiration and also causes suppressed illness to surface.
[Ref – Mustadrak 8264, from Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas rz ]

5)Drinking In Three Sips

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) drank in three sips and said that this promotes calm, protects against diseases and difficulties and also allows proper digestion.
[Ref- Muslim 5287, from Hadhrat Anas rz] Safeguarding the health of the liver – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that when drinking, a person should drink with ease and small sips and not in gulps because doing so will injure the health of the liver.
[Ref – Bayhaqi 5752, from Hadhrat Ibn Abi Husayn rz]

6) Precautionary measures 

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) prohibited eating while lying on the stomach. By eating in this manner, food goes down with difficulty and digestion is adversely affected.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 [Ref- Ibn Maajah 3370, from Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar rz]

7) The Sunnahs Of Eating

Hadhrat Umar bin Abu Salamah (rz) [one colleague of Prophet (pbuh) ] reports that Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) said to him, “Dear son! Recite Bismillaah, eat with the right hand and eat from that which is in front of you.”
[Ref- Bukhaari 5376, from Hadhrat Umar bin Abu Salamah rz]

The three Sunnah acts learnt from this Hadith is,

  1. To recite Bismillaah before eating,
  2. To eat with the right hand and
  3. To eat from the food which is in front of you.

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