Best way to protect yourself from Black Magic and Poison in Islam

In this article, I will give you all the information about Best way to protect yourself from Black Magic and Poison in Islam. Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ) said that neither poison nor black magic can affect the person who eats seven ‘Ajwah dates every morning.

Best way to protect yourself from Black Magic and Poison in Islam

Best way to protect yourself from Black Magic and Poison in Islam

Best way to protect yourself from Black Magic and Poison in Islam

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Ajwa Dates,

Ajwa (Arabic: عجوه) is a cultivar of the palm date that is widely grown in Medina, Saudi Arabia. It is an oval-shaped, medium-sized date with black skin. It is often consumed Iftar for Ramadan and other Islamic religious events, since it is traditionally associated with the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

Hadhrat Saad bin Abi Waqqaas rz ( colleague of Prophet Muhammad PBUH ) reports that Prophet Muhammad PBUH once came to visit him when he fell ill. Prophet Muhammad PBUH placed his hand on Hadhrat Saad’s rz chest, because of which he felt a cool feeling spread through his chest. Prophet Muhammad PBUH said, “His heart is palpitating. Take him to Haarith bin Kaldah, who is a very good physician. He should take seven ajwah dates of Medina and grind them with their kernels, and then put them into your mouth.

Fresh dates as a treatment for the liver,

Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Ja’far (rz) ( colleague of Prophet Muhammad PBUH ) reports that he saw Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) eating fresh wet dates with cucumber.
[Bukhaari 5440]
Allaama Ibn Qayyim (rh) writes that fresh wet dates are extremely nutritious for the liver and the body and gives it great strength.

The Nabeedh of dates,

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)  was once invited to the Waleemah of Hadhrat Abu Usayd Saa’idi (rz). His wife later said that she had soaked some dates in an earthen pot overnight and then given Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) the water to drink. [Ref- Bukhaari]
The water in which dates are soaked overnight is called Nabeedh. It strengthens the stomach and is also effective in treating gum ulcers.                        [Ref- Mu’aalajaatun Nabawi]

Treating rib pain with dates

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stated that dates effectively prevent rib pains.
[Ref- Kanzul Ummaal 28191, from Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah rz]

Benefits of Eating Ajwa Dates,

  1. Help in regulating blood pressure.
  2. Best for your cardiovascular health.
  3. Fight fatigue and keeps you energized.
  4. Decreases the risk of Atherosclerosis.
  5. Aids in treating infertility.
  6. Helps in weight loss.
  7. Cure for indigestion.
  8. Prevents abdominal cancer.
  9. Help in preventing cancer.
  10. Improves mental health.
  11. Cures skin problems.


Regular intake of Ajwa dates stops blood vessels from constricting, strengthens the heart and improves the functioning of the heart. Ajwa dates benefits for heart can be confirmed by the mere fact that it contains Vitamin B which assumes an imperative role in the removal of harmful levels of homocysteine in blood.

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